Album Update

It’s currently oh so cold but I am getting oh so close to wrapping up significant portions of my new record. I have an 80% completed mix on one song,”Domain.” Unfortunately, this will not be the first single. That is designated for “I Died Inside.” All I need for that track, though, is one bass track. Everything else is ready to go so, as soon as I receive that bass track, mixing will be imminent. The core group of performers on this are drummer Josh Orlando, bassist Tim Esterly, and guitarist Jason Hermann. Tim just found out he’s going to be a dad so his schedule is a little erratic at the moment. Otherwise, this will be the group that will eventually play this music in a live setting with me. I still have some trumpet and sax to add to a couple of songs although, they will be a little less prominent than they were on my last album. My third single, “Scared of Us,” is also fairly close to completion. This is the oddball of the album featuring Ken Pendergast on bass (We played in a band called Thunk a while back. He is currently residing in SF.) and my old friend Aurelien Budynek on guitar. Aurelien and I played in a Scranton-based band called Music for Models about 20 years ago. He is currently living in NYC is the primary guitarist for the Broadway musical, Back to the Future. It’s also pretty close to being classified as a love song — which is not something I normally do.

So, basically, at this stage, I am just waiting to receive a couple of tracks. The majority of the other work is complete which means that everything should flow pretty quickly once I get the goods. I can’t wait to share this new music. I feel it is the best work I’ve done to date and the topical nature of the lyrics is definitely aligning with what’s been happening around the world lately. Stay tuned.

D. Hawk